Hessischer Bildungsserver / VM1: Standardorientierte Aufgabenformate in Sek. I und Sek. II

Assessing Reading

Do each of the sample reading tests and as you do:

  • write your answers in the spaces provided
  • note down how difficult you think each task is  as you finish it
  • make notes on what you actually had to do in order to complete the task i.e. try to indentify what each task is testing

When you have finished all 5 tasks:

  • rank them in order of difficulty: 1 = easiest to 5 = most difficult
  • make notes as to why you have ranked them in that way i.e. what makes them eays, difficult etc.

The tests have been taken form  »   "Into Europe: Reading and Use of English" by J. Charles Alderson & Marie Cseresznyes"

Sample reading tests:

··   What is a California Condor?

··   Shopping in the Old Town of Edinburgh

··   The Founding of Philadelphia

··   21st Century Pet Gadgets

··   Captives trek out of jungle to freedom